
PDU accessories are supplementary components and features that enhance the functionality, management, and safety of PDUs in data centers, server rooms, and other IT environments. These accessories are designed to provide additional capabilities or address specific requirements.

Here are some common PDU accessories:

Cable Management / Rack Mounting Kits / Monitoring Sensors (Temperature and humidity sensor, Smoke sensor, water immersion sensor, door contact sensor, etc) / Environmental Control Modules / Remote Control Modules / Locking Mechanisms / Surge Protection / Power Metering and Monitoring Displays / Outlet Adapters and Extenders / Power Cord Options / Mounting Accessories / Software and Management Tools

It's crucial to take into account your unique requirements, the type of smart PDU you're using, for example horizontal rack mount pdu, vertical power distribution unit, rack vertical pdu, managed rack pdu, network rack power, network cabinet pdu, data rack pdu, ats power strip, industrial pdu, rack switched pdu, and compatibility with existing infrastructure and equipment when choosing PDU accessories. An orderly and effective data center can be created with the help of well-chosen accessories, and they may also improve the functionality and performance of your PDUs and guarantee the steady supply of power to your IT equipment.